What Differs In Stories?

    It’s fair to say that throughout these past months, I’ve watched a share of TV shows. Two of my favorites would have to be Friends and Criminal Minds. It’s clear that both shows are very different in the sense that the characters are dealt with vastly dissimilar obstacles. So I’m not going to lie, reading an article that said “all stories are the same” somewhat threw me off.

    The article got me thinking about the similarities and differences in not only these two shows, but in stories as a whole. It’s clear that all stories have a beginning and an end, but no plot is 100% the same. How could a humorous, relaxed sitcom be “the same” as a serious, non-humorous CSI series?


    I think what the author is saying is that every story is different, but each one involves the same structure to reveal its final message. So yes, plot differs but regardless of the plot there is always an obstacle involved that results in some type of growth. An obstacle or problem must be set in place in order to challenge the character’s development. Whether that obstacle is Ross choosing between Julie and Rachel, or the BAU analyzing a murderer, it’s still a barrier that results in a change of mind.

    So although stories differ in events, they all follow the same structure when concluding a certain point. Each story has its own individual path, although at the end of the day it's still a path. Paths can be different, but the structure of them is always the same.



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