1st Semester Reflection
My first semester of 12 AP has been an awesome experience for me. Even though we are online, I think the liveliness and enthusiasm that lives in the classroom is still present on zoom. It is definitely not the same, but being a part of a class that saviors that same energy has been awesome.
One of my favorite assignments was actually our final project. Writing is my favorite part of English, and I love the freedom it gave us to pick a topic of our choice, do research on it, and write about it. It was awesome because I was able to apply everything we have learned in the past couple months about writing a strong thesis, structure, and overall purpose, but at the same time I was able to make it my own and be creative with it. I definitely think the research paper was a representation of my writing growth this semester. I’m really proud of how it turned out and I hope that throughout second semester I continue to grow as a writer.
As I mentioned, writing is my favorite part of English. Although, reading has been something that I have a love-hate relationship with. When I find a book that I love, I can’t put it down, but when I have even the slightest bit of disinterest in a book, it becomes hard for me to stay focused. This semester, I really want to find books that I love and enjoy reading. Reading hasn’t always been my favorite, but I am hoping in these next couple months that I can grow to love it.
Overall, I really enjoyed my first semester of 12 AP. I have learned so many things, read so many new titles, and got to meet and interact with a really great group of people. I’m hoping that second semester this can continue!
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