25 Minutes Away

It's shocking to me when I hear that "not much has changed" (Wilkinson) in regards to the segregation in our surrounding communities. Coming from such a racially diverse, well-rounded area makes it hard to believe that only 25 minutes away people don't live with the same range of culture that we do here in Troy. We've only ever been exposed to a multitude of races and cultures in our schools and neighborhoods that we hardly pay attention to what's happening a few cities away. 

Take yourself back to when you and your family went on vacation. Often times, you meet either other travelers or tour guides and the question of "where are you visiting from" maneuvers its way into the conversation. When you follow up the question with "Detroit", the answer commonly shocks the average person, but why? 

Detroit is known for being one of the most "segregated areas in the nation" (Wilkinson). It mainly consists of African-Americans which hold 82 percent of the population. Why is Detroit so segregated but other cities such as Troy are not? People tend to move to areas in which they "feel most comfortable" (Wilkinson) which is normally around people of the same race, culture, or income. Detroit being an African-American dominant area, it makes sense that people of the same race may migrate to the city. Living with people of the same race is what makes people feel welcomed and feel belonged in a community. Unfortunatly, a majority of these segregated areas such as Detroit obtain little to no income and risk their lives day after day inside their violent-known neighborhoods. 

I guess it's true, "we have made very little progress" (Wilkinson) in regards to racial segregation in certain parts of our community. Within this research, I've realized how grateful I should be that I live in a city with several races and cultures that I am able to learn and grow from because only 25 minutes away lies a city of segregation and violence. 


  1. I love your diction in this post. Its certainly professional, but not so professional that it's hard to understand. I also love your transitions, such as "I guess its true, " because it makes the piece conversational.

  2. I really liked how you used the phrase "25 minutes away" as your title and multiple times throughout your blog. It made me really realize how different our community is from Detroit's, even though we are so close in distance. Also, I really enjoyed how you incorporated the quotes right into your writing.


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